Wednesday 4 July 2012

My First Sock Creation

They called it sock toy, but may I call it sock baby? =D

I made this from a fluffy socks I got off the rack at Daiso, and sew every inch of it together to form this sock baby rabbit. My hubby named it Souffle, and my friend called it Strawberry, so I combine them both and called this sock baby Strawberry Souffle!

Name: Strawberry Souffle
Created on: 03 July 2012
Made in: Singapore

I'm going to grab some buttons for the eyes!

Monday 2 July 2012

Over The Weekend

I baked! I cooked! Hooray!

Breakfast! Breakfast set with hashbrown, bacon, sunny side up, and salad.

Dinner! Penne alio olio with sauages and bacons, and salad.

Dessert! Orange cupcake, with cream cheese topping.

I tried the rose design on my cupcake, looks presentable. I will try it on a stiff consistency next round like butter cream, because cream cheese is too soft to give a sharp look.

I love what I did over the weekend!