Friday 22 June 2012

You Need To Start Somewhere

I am telling myself that if I want to change my life, I will have to start somewhere, and now is the time. I am turning 30 next year, and I have always been thinking through what I want in life, what I expect my life to be, and what is the thing I want at the end.

I talk to my husband about it, and I came up with a list of things I wish to achieve. I wrote it down somewhere and I kept a set of the wishlist in my heart. In order to achieve it, I am going to start doing something, now. I will be positive and walk towards my aim!

Thursday 7 June 2012

Shoe Clips

Look at what I found. SHOE CLIPS!

This shoe clips accessories came out few years back, but I only get to see them in Singapore just recently. Found this at the temporary push cart store in Parkway Parade Shopping Centre, and stood there for the longest time to choose among the many designs.

The shoe clips are really cool. All you need is a plain pair of heels and it will work magic. Nice heels with design are normally not as comfortable, and comfortable pairs are always plain. With these shoe clips, I can get a few pairs of comfortable heels in assorted colours and style that can last, and a fashion that won’t go out of date, and match it with these clips for added design. My shoe cabinet will not burst with heels.

I just need to think of ways to keep these shoe clips properly and nicely.

Wednesday 6 June 2012


How long have I not blog? Looks like I did not post anything last week. I am stuck in a dilemma.

I want a change of working environment. I have been with my current employer for the past seven years. Friends who are of the same age group as me have not managed to be in the same organisation for as long as I am. I’m starting to feel lost, stagnant, restless, and I think all these symptoms just proof to me that I need a change.

Although I went for my degree, I never thought of climbing up the corporate ladder. I think my self-contentment became a double edge sword. On one hand, it’s good to be contented, one feels happier if they don’t always ask for more. But on the other hand, it’s bringing me nowhere. I applied for secretarial position and interviewer finds me over qualified.

Hubby being the good husband as always, encouraged me, and even gives the green light that I can quit without a job. That is one really tempting option!

That aside, I baked chocolate cake over the weekend. Taste and appearance are nice, as said by my cousins, but the texture is not what I expected it to be. I think my folding in part was done badly and not much air was incorporated into the mixture hence it did not rise well. I am going to try it again and get it right.

I made quite a few dinners over the past week, and I’m so proud of it, but I did not take picture of them. Tried a new salted peppered deep fried pork ribs yesterday night, it was really good.

I must remember to start taking photos next time.