Monday 30 April 2012

Simple Baking

My friend came over to my place on Saturday, and we made chocolate cupcake with butter cream. It's really simple and smells good. The problem is, I'm not a chocolate person, so I only tasted one, the one in the picture above, with my initial.

Tuesday 24 April 2012

Enjoying Quiet Moment

I was lounging at the corner of our L-shape leather sofa, reading one of the books I bought over the weekend. The mini stories attracted me so much that I never really bother about the television noise and laughter from my husband.

My husband was relaxing at another corner enjoying the Taiwan variety broadcast, laughing at the silly acts and jokes, being happy and contented with what he was watching. I bet he felt much more relax after a day of hard work.

Commercial break, he stood up and decided to wash the plates we used for dinner (I cook and he washed, that’s the routine), and suddenly he realised something and spoke…

“Mao, I really like this feeling, you reading your book, and me watching the television, both enjoying our own activities, relaxing after a busy day, in the comfort of our home.”

I looked up from my book, absorbed what he said, and realised that’s true. What he said made me realise life as a married couples tend to be not as romantic as courtship days, but that doesn’t mean love is gone. We still enjoy each other company, but in a different way. We still love each other, but instead of showing affection, our love mature to thinking for each other and being contented by having each other by our side, having small talks, debate on our views on issues, and even laugh at each other.

This is the man I know for ten years, married for five, but every now and then my heart still beats wildly for him. We quarrel, we fight, and we even have had bad memories that I am still so affected till now, but he is just someone I can’t live without. Sometimes I wonder, what in me can attract this guy to be with me for life.

I smile my silly smile and stick out my tongue before I rush him to wash up those plates because his show is starting, while I continue reading the book.

Ah, this is life.

Monday 23 April 2012

Made from Scratch

I love alio olio, the smell of extra virgin olive oil and garlic made me salivate. There are more to it that made it tasty, the ground black pepper, sea salt, herbs and chilli. I will normally add small slices of bacon to enhance the taste.

Sunday 22 April 2012

Travelling Plan

We are going on a trip to Australia!

Saturday 21 April 2012


Bought books! Popular Book Store organised a World Book Day to promote reading, selected books were given half price for the second purchase, so I bought four Chinese books that I think I will enjoy reading.

Friday 20 April 2012

High Society Cupcakes

Isn't this pretty? Bought this cupcake from the High Society, a small shop within That CD Shop at Great World City Basement 1. The display is very alluring, a wide array of colourful, and simply designed cupcakes in a long fridge glass.

Thursday 19 April 2012

Balloon Paradise

I happen to go down to Clarke Quay Central for lunch and saw this cute little balloon garden at the atrium. Lovely!

Hard-Boiled Egg

I actually want to blog about hard-boiled egg! Reason being, I found a way to keep the egg yolk centered. I experiment it after reading a Japanese bento recipe book, and decided to try.

I will need to bring the water to boil before putting in the eggs. The critical point is immediately after putting in the eggs into the boiling water, start stirring until the water starts to boil again. After which, I just let it boil for another ten minutes before I turn off the gas, drained, cool it with tap water, and peel! That’s it; the egg yolks are nicely located in the center!

It is a pretty logical theory. Raw egg is in liquid form; hence by stirring it in boiling water, we are constantly positioning the egg yolk in the middle. And once it hardens, the egg is set, and that is when we can stop stirring.

I did not shape the egg or design it, rather I smashed it up and add in salt, pepper and mayonnaise for our egg mayo sandwich breakfast this morning.

Wednesday 18 April 2012

The 5 Love Languages

I came across this from a show and find it useful.

We withdraw and deposit, the same theory goes to our love. When we quarrel, bicker, giving each other cold shoulders, we are actually withdrawing from our love bank. The sad truth is, most of us withdraw more than we deposit, hence the amount depletes so fast that makes us unhappy and frustrated.

The 5 love languages are how we can deposit our love!

  1. Words of affirmation
  2. Quality time
  3. Receiving gifts
  4. Acts of service
  5. Physical touch

By doing the above, we increase our deposit, maintaining a balance, and creating a good foundation for our future. After listening, I find it relevant and true. We should work on this to maintain a healthy and happy relationship.

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Back to Blogging

I stopped blogging about two years back due to my busy schedule. Now that my life is back to work, play and rest, I want to start over again and put down my new memories in writing here.

I have some quests for myself before I start out this blog:
I want to change, to change for the better.
I want to remember what I have done, what I have been through.
I want to share, motivate, and be motivated.

All in all, I need a journal to keep track of my life, my joy, my frustration. I am not someone who can bring anyone on a roller coaster ride, my blog may not be the most fascinating read, but that doesn’t really matter, because though it may not be important to others, every post here will be a reminder to me, a learning point for me, and a memory that I want to keep for life.