Monday 30 April 2012

Simple Baking

My friend came over to my place on Saturday, and we made chocolate cupcake with butter cream. It's really simple and smells good. The problem is, I'm not a chocolate person, so I only tasted one, the one in the picture above, with my initial.

The texture is right and the cream is not very sweet, because we cut back one cup of icing sugar. It's the chocolate, I really don't like chocolate, and I find it bitter. Seeing my friend and her husband, and my husband enjoying the cupcake, I think it must be really tasty.

There is half a bar of baking chocolate in my fridge, and in order to get rid of that, I will need to bake another round of chocolate flavoured cake. I’m thinking of baking chocolate lava cake. That is, when I have the time.

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