Tuesday 17 April 2012

Back to Blogging

I stopped blogging about two years back due to my busy schedule. Now that my life is back to work, play and rest, I want to start over again and put down my new memories in writing here.

I have some quests for myself before I start out this blog:
I want to change, to change for the better.
I want to remember what I have done, what I have been through.
I want to share, motivate, and be motivated.

All in all, I need a journal to keep track of my life, my joy, my frustration. I am not someone who can bring anyone on a roller coaster ride, my blog may not be the most fascinating read, but that doesn’t really matter, because though it may not be important to others, every post here will be a reminder to me, a learning point for me, and a memory that I want to keep for life.

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