Thursday 19 April 2012

Hard-Boiled Egg

I actually want to blog about hard-boiled egg! Reason being, I found a way to keep the egg yolk centered. I experiment it after reading a Japanese bento recipe book, and decided to try.

I will need to bring the water to boil before putting in the eggs. The critical point is immediately after putting in the eggs into the boiling water, start stirring until the water starts to boil again. After which, I just let it boil for another ten minutes before I turn off the gas, drained, cool it with tap water, and peel! That’s it; the egg yolks are nicely located in the center!

It is a pretty logical theory. Raw egg is in liquid form; hence by stirring it in boiling water, we are constantly positioning the egg yolk in the middle. And once it hardens, the egg is set, and that is when we can stop stirring.

I did not shape the egg or design it, rather I smashed it up and add in salt, pepper and mayonnaise for our egg mayo sandwich breakfast this morning.

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