Sunday 22 April 2012

Travelling Plan

We are going on a trip to Australia!

It’s been awhile since we last go on a long trip. The last being Hong Kong, which was five years back, before he went into University. Immediately after he gotten his degree, we got our first home, and after that I decided to join the student career. My two year of juggling work and school ended last month, and I finally got back my freedom.

Initially, we wanted to go back to Taiwan, the country we love so much since our first visit about seven years ago. We were in Taipei for seven days then, happiness! But the launch of Scoot made us change our mind.

The deals are so good that we decided it’s time to venture out of Asia. We will be flying to another continent coming July, during my birthday week. How I love spending my birthday in another country, enjoying the cool weather, and the totally different culture and environment.

We are both very excited, and my husband is especially enthusiastic about this trip.

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