Thursday 3 May 2012

Chill Out

I had a great dinner at Jasmine’s house (an ex-colleague turn friend). She invited a few of us over for dinner, and the main is roast lamb! The chunk of meat was roasted in a huge grill at her backyard when I was there, and I was hungry immediately.

As the good host as she is, she lay out the table nicely and had all the dishes properly planned and prepared. Aside from the main, there are sausages, baked potatoes, vegetables, bread, and the fresh tomato mozzarella. I bought ice cream from Island Creamery for them, Pulut Hitam and Pear Sake flavour.

I am not a lamb person because of the strong smell, but she did it so well that I had about four pieces! We gossiped while we ate, enjoying sips of red and white wine. At almost the end of the gathering, Jas poured a shot of Bailey for me, it’s so strong!

I missed them, my ex-colleagues. It’s always fun instead of chore when working with them.

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