Thursday 17 May 2012


I am reading up on planting, not to beautify my home environment (though I will love to do so too), but more on planting herbs and vegetables for cooking.

I wrote down a list of plants that I think can adapt to our climate and the small space I have in my small flat. It will be potted as I have no balcony, patio or garden. I wanted to try my hands on cherry tomatoes, coriander, spring onions and mint leaves.

For a start, let’s not be too adventurous, and having failed terribly in planting previously, I just need to start off by cultivating green fingers. So, the easiest from the list, mint leaves, shall be my first start off. I read that it’s the easiest to thrive and my uncle has two large pots along the corridor, which I can cut some for propagating.

Need to get a good draining pot and dish, and soil. I’m thinking of putting my plants in the spare room since that area has more sun as compared to my dim kitchen.

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