Saturday 5 May 2012

Hearty Breakfast

I started making breakfast few weeks back. I make it a point to at least have a simple bread and butter toast every morning since it is the most important meal of the day. My husband will skip it if I never initiate. He finds it hard to eat in the morning at first, but it now became a healthy habit he can’t miss.

I will do simple bread with nutella spread, or toasted bread with butter and sugar, and even steamed bun and pre-prepared egg mayo for sandwiches. Days when I feel I can do more, or when I woke up earlier, I will do a big English breakfast spread like the one shown in this blog. Sunny side up, hash brown, bacons or sausages, salad, and toast bread.

This is my favourite and it’s not that time consuming given that most are oven baked when I’m preparing other morning stuff.

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